Wednesday 8 December 2010

Aussie Scraps Christmas Sleigh Ride is Here!

Can you hear those sleigh bells jingling?
Yes, it's here - the Aussie Scraps Christmas Sleigh Ride - and we have a wonderful array of goodies for you to pick up along the way. So put on your hat and mittens and climb aboard the sleigh with us!!
Don't forget to leave each Designer some love when you download as we love reading your comments...*s* (just respond to this post so I know which you are referring to)

** Please remember we all live in different timezones around the world, so if someone's part is not yet up, please just continue your journey and stop back again later! They won't be far behind! *g* **

To download my part just click on my preview
Password: thanks
(my part is a sampler of a PTU version to be released shortly EXCLUSIVE to Aussie Scraps)

Now...on with the rest of the ride...are you ready??

Aussie Scrap Designs
Designs by Stina YOU ARE HERE!!