Monday, 28 February 2011

Lessons of Love Tutorial by AmyMarie

(click image for tutorial)

Amy Marie, from our CT, has written this gorgeous tutorial featuring my "Lessons in Love" kit. And of course featuring Twilight! lol Thank you so much Amy, I love it.

Wish Me Luck Tutorial by Crystal

(click image for tutorial)

Crystal, from our CT, has written this tutorial featuring my "Wish Me Luck" kit. Thanks so much Crystal!

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Angel Kisses Tutorial by Sandee

(click image for tutorial)

Sandee, from our CT, wrote this gorgeously delightful tutorial featuring my "Angel Kisses" kit. Thank you soooo much Sandee - it's gorgeous!

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Erin Go Bragh Tutorial by Kaci

(click image for tutorial)

Kaci has written this delightful tutorial featuring my "Wish Me Luck" kit. Thanks so much Kaci!

Wish Me Luck Tutorial by Kris

(click image for tutorial)

Kris is our newest member to our CT, and she has written this gorgeous tutorial featuring my "Wish Me Luck" kit. Thanks so much Kris!

Friday, 25 February 2011

Edward Taggie from Kerrin

Kerrin, also known as Devil Angel in the tagging world, has created this gorgeous taggie for me using my "True Love is Forever" freebie. Thank you SOOOOOOOO much Kerrin! You KNOW I love it! lol
Gimme more the Twilight series again and totally enjoying it. So this is an awesome surprise. Thank you.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Chocolate Kisses Tutorial by Amy Marie

(click image for tutorial)

Amy Marie has written this deliciously delightful tutorial featuring my "Chocolate Kisses" kit. Thanks so much Amy! Yummmo!!

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Clover Girl Tutorial by Amy Marie

(click image for tutorial)

Amy Marie has written this cute tutorial featuring my latest kit "Wish Me Luck". Thanks so much Amy!

Friday, 18 February 2011

New PTU Kit Wish Me Luck


A gorgeous St Patty's kit abundant with such Irish delights and plenty of charm! Perfect for all your St Patty Day needs and sure to bring a smile your way.

15 Papers
62 Elements

© Posers by Medievil Creations
Please refer to her TOU enclosed in Zip file

Personal Use Only

Available in stores NOW!

Designer Call @ Aussie Scraps!

(click Ad to view details)

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Summertime Fun by Amy Marie

(click image for tutorial)

Amy Marie, from our CT, has written this delightful tutorial featuring my "Celebrate Summer" as part of the Brat Pack Let's Celebrate train. Thank you Amy Marie.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

PawPrints Tutorial by Kelly/Karma

(click image for tutorial)

Kelly, from our CT, surprised me with a tutorial featuring my part of the "Rainbow Bridge" collab between Susan and I. Surprised...because she didn't request the kit so she must have bought
Thank you Kelly. I especially love the one with my baby girls Shebee who went to Rainbow Bridge 2 and a half years ago.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Celebrate as the Brat Pack turns 1!!


The Brat Pack turns 1!

And this month we are celebrating with all sorts of goodies for you! For me, celebrating is not just about birthdays, weddings, or parties....but simply about the celebration of something wonderful and precious. A memory, a person, life or something we love. And here in Australia it is summer at the moment. A glorious time of sun, sand and surf, and basking in the sunshine and enjoying life. So I chose to celebrate summer. I hope you enjoy it.

And please remember a little LOVE goes a long way. It only takes a moment to leave a note of thanks, and it means so much to each of us when you do.

To download, please click my preview
Password: thanks

** Please remember the train departs in different timezones so please be patient if someone has not yet posted theirs **

Now...on with the train!

Stina ::designs by stina:: YOU ARE HERE!

Tootypup: Tootypup Scraps

Anita: Daydreamers

Pam: CafeKitty

Fae: Creating with Fae

Deanna: Butterfly Kisses Scraps

Dilcia: Disyas Digitals Designs

Jill: Created by Jill

Jessica: Jessica's Sweet Nothings

Lee: Midnightmusic WordArt and Tutorials

Melissa: Melissa's Scraps and More

Pink: Pink's Poetic Scraps

Star: Stargazer Musings

Wy: Designs by LK

Monday, 14 February 2011

Happy Valentines Day!!


Happy Valentines Day!

And as a special gift for you, my fans, I have put together what was going to be a "little" freebie that turned out to be a decent-sized one. lol I'm sure you won't be disappointed as it is packed-full with loads of goodies for all your tagging needs. I hope you enjoy it and please, a little LOVE goes a long way. I love to read your comments.

Click on my preview to download
Password: thanks

**Please Note:
I have been wary about offering freebies as it has come to my attention my generosity is being abused and my products are then being uploaded to other sites and shared directly through groups. You MUST direct people to my blog to download the freebie NOT share it. If I find my freebies are being shared I will be forced to limit their availablity and remove them. It only takes one person to do this that makes it bad for everybody else. Please respect us as Designers and our work. Thank you.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Showing the Wuv with my Furbabies! lol

Couldn't let my two be So I added them to the tags I'd made for Susan. Featuring one of yours truly as well. lol Not easy getting a nice photo of TWO pooches who never seem to stay still or look when you are trying to photograph them. One is a Staffy who just doesn't know the meaning of the word "slow". lol

Ciara is the black/dark brindle Staffy and Jasper is the Australian Cattledog I rescued from the streets just before Christmas. He has a sweet nature and to watch these two you'd think they had grown up together the way they get along. I had him spayed last week, chipped and registered and he is now officially mine. Welcome home, Jasper... a brudder for Ciara. lol

Show the Wuv Tags by Me

After a busy couple of days of having to reformat my poor sluggish and overloaded computer then jumping straight back into the saddle to finish a train kit and a collab kit by their due dates, my mojo has gone walkabout and I was left here fiddling about in PSP. So I decided to make a special little surprise for Susan (aka Tootypup).

As most of you know, she had to say goodbye to her precious friend Tooty of 17 and a half years last September and it has been a long, slow road for her. I have been constantly prompting her to get herself another pup as they are honestly the best therapy and are far cheaper than a therapist! lol They don't judge you and they love you totally and unconditionally. They are our best friends and vice versa.

Two weeks ago I googled shelters in her area and together we had a look online at available adoptions. We found a couple of Black Lab X's which is what she had her heart set on, being as that was Tooty was. The next day she went down to see the pups and chose one. The little girl was only about 4 months old but very very timid and obviously abused or neglected. All the other pups jumped up on their cage doors but this little girl who just sat in her corner quietly. Susan went out every day and visited her and built up a rapport with her, and soon the little pup began to emerge from her shell and she turns out to be a right little cheeky miss! lol But being so young she should adapt fairly well being out of her former environment.

As she was only picked up the day before the shelther legally had to keep her on the register for 8 days in case someone claimed her, which was a nail-biting time for Susan. Tomorrow is Valentines Day and the day that this little girl makes her trip to the vet to be spayed, vaccinated and microchipped, leaving the shelter behind and going home with Susan. Needless to say Susan is very excited, and I am too for her. The difference in her already this pup has made is refreshing. They will be wonderful therapy for each other. a surprise I decided to make up a couple of tags with a couple of photos I managed to get Susan to take of her last week. lol Using an upcoming kit of mine called "Show the Wuv". A freebie sampler of the kit is available for download on my blog (through The Goodie Train). Anyhow, Susan LOVES the tags, and it is wonderful to see this pup looking so happy, as opposed to the first photos taken of the quiet timid little girl she was at first.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Twilight Love Tutorial by Amy Marie

(click image for tutorial)

Amy Marie, from our CT, wrote this tutorial using my "Forever Twilight" kit. Thanks so much Amy!!

A Surprise Tag

I receievd a lovely surprise today after my reformatting and reinstalling was about complete. Once I got my mail reinstalled and downloading I was surprised with a message on Facebook from a fan that she had made a tag using my "True Love is Forever" freebie kit. She was requesting my email address to send it to me to show me. As you can see above. Thank you Tarra.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

New PTU Kit Forever Twilight


True love is forever - just as Edward's love for Bella. On the eve of Valentines as we await the release of "Breaking Dawn" we prepare ourselves for Edward and Bella's wedding and the promise of Forever. Forever Twilight.

30 Papers
130 Elements

© Poser by Medievil Creations
Please refer to her TOU included in the ZIP file

Personal Use Only

Available in stores now!

Monday, 7 February 2011

My Garden Tag by Amy Marie

Amy Marie from our CT wrote a tutorial using Tootypup's "Fantasy Garden" and she was kind enough to make me a tag too. Thanks so much Amy.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Sweet As by Lyn

(click image for tutorial)

Lyn from our CT has written yet another tutorial featuring my "Gone Chocko!" kit. Thanks so much Lyn!!

Love Masquerade by Lyn

(click image for tutorial)

Lyn from our CT wrote this delightful tutorial featuring my "Gone Chocko!" kit. Thanks so much Lyn - it's wonderful!

You're Purr-fect Tutorial by Amy Marie

(click image for tutorial)

Amy Marie wrote this tutorial featuring my new kit "Angel Kisses". Thank you Amy.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

True Love Tutorial by Amy Marie

(click image for tutorial)

Amy Marie, from our CT, has written this lovely tutorial using my "True Love is Forever" freebie sampler from this month's Ziggy Train. Thank you so much Amy! A lovely surprise.

Friday, 4 February 2011

New Exclusive Kit Lessons in Love


As the day of love approaches its time to take a lesson in love through words, letters, poetry and music. And not to forget roses - the floral expression of love. There are a million ways to say "I love you".... Let this kit be a lesson in love to all.

15 Papers
112 Elements

Personal Use Only

** Exclusive to Twilight Scraps **

New PTU Kit Angel Kisses


A sweet delightful Valentines kit filled with loads of kisses, hearts, angels and wings. Sprinkled with love and scattered with kisses - specially designed for Valentines.

20 Papers
85 Elements

Personal Use Only

Available in stores NOW!

Forever Love Tutorial by Julie

(click image for tutorial)

Julie from our CT wrote this tutorial featuring my "Immortal Love" kit. Thanks so much Julie!

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Starving Artist Blog Train - Show the Love


The Starving Artists are here again with another Valentines freebie for you. This month we are "showing the love"! So please stop by the Official Starving Artists Blog to view the previews and ride the train for the other freebies! And don't forget to leave a thank you because we love to read your comments!

To download my part, just click my preview
Password: thanks
(when the train finishes, my part will be repackaged as a much much bigger kit and sold in stores)

Happy journeying!!

The Ziggy Train is Here!


The Ziggy Train is here with its first ever train! Theme is "True Love is Forever" so of course I went with a Twilight I hope you like it.
Please don't forget to leave a thank you as we all love reading your comments.

To download my part, just click my preview
Password: thanks
(my part is a sampler to the PTU kit "Forever Twilight" to be released very shortly)

Now...onto the train!!

::The Train Station::

::ZiggyFan Scrap Designs::

Chocolate Dreams Tutorial by Lee

(click image for tutorial)

Lee from Aussie Scraps has written this lovely tutorial featuring my newest kit "Chocolate Kisses", but she had difficulty when attaching the file. I am posting the one I've received so far till she sends the replacement. But thank you so much Lee - it is lovely!