September is PCOS Awareness month.
What is PCOS?
PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome is a condition where tiny non-cancerous cysts are present on the ovaries. It is often gone undiagnosed until an ultrasound reveals the condition, and it affects many aspects of a sufferer's life. PCOS causes massive weight gain, mood swings, depression, infertility - just to name a few and while it's cause is not fully understood or know it is however closely related to insulin deficiency. Most often those with PCOS could very well at some point develop Type 2 Diabetes.
PCOS is also the leading cause of infertility in women, with some who do fall pregnant often do not carry to term.
Some of the health risks for those with PCOS are:
Type 2 Diabetes
Heart attack
Endometrial Cancer
There is no cure for the condition - just treatment of its symptoms.
This kit is my tribute to raising awareness for this little-known and little-understood condition. Yes, I have PCOS, and I struggle with its symptoms etc. every day.
So this September wear TEAL and always HOPE.
97 Elements
15 Papers
© Custom Posers by Medievil Creations
Please refer to her TOU when using her Posers
Personal Use Only
Available in stores NOW!!
And it's been a while since I've done a freebie that is not a blog train....lol And as there have been requests for FTU awareness kits I put this little Add-On together in tribute for PCOS. As it is Teal, it may be used for Ovarian Cancer.
To download, just click my preview
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