Merry Christmas, everyone!
A little belated, I know, but I couldn't get on here any earlier. *g* I trust you all had a wonderful Christmas and are comfortably over-eaten on all those delicious
Mine was quiet, as Christmas Day here usually is. Hubby works in Security and works every Christmas, so we organise our main family get-together about 10 days before. So the actual day is just a relaxing afternoon with some pre-prepared food by yours truly and my parents come over to enjoy the afternoon and celebrate with us. It gives hubby some time to sleep having worked the night shift of Christmas Eve through till morning and before he heads off to work Christmas night. That way he gets to spend a little time with us. He chooses to work over Christmas and has New Years Eve off, as it is my birthday. And now that Christmas is over for another year, can we relax again? lol I tend to not be able to until after New Years, as I still have my birthday to organise.
OK, back to business. lol
Just before Christmas I got bored and played around in Blogger for a new-look. It's something that's been on my mind for a while now, because I was using a non-blogger template it tended to cause a lot of havoc with making new posts that I had to end up emaling my posts in to my blog. I had intended on unmasking a new-look in the New Year, but like I said....I got bored. lol I had made a Christmas header for one of my Facebook groups and I loved it so much I made it into a siggy AND then decided to create a new blog look with it. lol Therefore, I've unveiled my new name a week or so earlier than originally planned. lol
As the Twilight saga has come to an end I decided it was time to retire the Twilight theme and go with something a little closer to home....and my heart. As many may know (as they already feature in the sidebar) I have two gorgeous English Staffordshire Bull Terriers (affectionately known as staffies) who are always referred to as "my children". And it is with them I decided to feature with my new-look AND name change. Of course I will still be known as Designs by Stina, but my name and my blog will also be known as Staffy Scraps. Anyone who knows me know that my dogs are my life and this change is something that reflects me much more.
Of course, this is just the Christmas look, which I will retire sometime soon, but for now it will remain. I have yet to complete the design of my new look to a point I am happy with, so it will be Christmas a while longer here. lol But my two do look very cute with their Christmas get-up, which was a photo I took of them at our Dog Training School Christmas Party a couple of weeks ago.
So nothing else has changed - you will still be able to find me as Designs by Stina in my stores. I will just also be known as Staffy Scraps.
On that note, I would like to remind you all of my current sales in my stores at the moment:
Twilight Scraps - 55%
Scrap Wishes - 55%
Scrappin Naturally - 60%
Designer Scraps - 60%
Wilma 4 Ever - 50%
(Sale ends 1st January)
Digital Scrap n' Shop's Closing Down Sale - 75% off!!
(Sale ends 3rd January)
Also all my Christmas and New Years tagger kits are available in all stores for $1 or €1 ONLY!
Sale ends 31st December
With that, I would like to wish you all a Happy Howl-a-days and a paw-fect 2013!!