Friday, 9 April 2010


Well Photoshop is not my friend at the best of times, and tonight it threw a mega hissy fit whilst running an action. It wouldn't let me save it an completely shut me out and wouldn't even let me close the program. Interestingly, albeit frustratingly also, this only happened with this particular action.

Anyways, my computer is long overdue for a reformat and it has been whining at me for some time under the So I decided to reformat and see if that makes any difference. Goodness knows the memory of my graphics card isn't as much as I really need it to be so that is on my "Wish List" for the near future. Photoshop users will know how much of a memory hog it is, so more memory will be a good thing.

I think what peeved me even more was that I was in the middle of working on another kit which probably would have been about complete by now if I had not run into this "small" problem. So that is on hold for the moment while my puter goes through the motions of reinstalling all things important. Thank goodness for my laptop in the meantime. LOL But all my designing stuff is on my main puter and I'm still in the process of reinstalling everything at the moment - setting up sharing over the network hasn't been a priority at the moment. Especially considering it is now 4am in the morning and I've had to run the reformat twice because I had problems with the chipset installations for the motherboard. And me being me HAS to do it now, because I want to get my mail set up so it can download the multitudes that generally flood my inbox and is best doing so in my ISP's off peak time so I don't go over bandwidth quota. LOL

So don't worry if I'm a tad you know where I am. Not far....just drowning in reintstallations. LOL Plus as PSP is my main graphics program, it is also the last graphics program I install so it overrides all the others previously installed. And I'll get this new kit finished yet. lol And I hope to have another freebie for you all again soon. Still...a couple of blog trains take off next week awash with freebies, and I have mine ready to go. *g* finish off my reinstallations for the night so I can get SOME sleep.


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