Saturday, 3 July 2010

IMPORTANT!! A Note about"Here Come the Newborns"

I have removed the link to this kit until further notice. Someone in their wisdom reported me to the apparent artist of the fangs in this kit as "stealing" their work, which is actually a remodelled version of another artist's work etc. Before emailing me - they confronted me in an email which they CCed to the artist as well.

Anyways, whatever the case may be, I immediately apologised and said I would remove it from my kit if they wished me to do so. I have just received a nasty email in response saying that if I didn't remove the image from my "packs" they would pass my details onto the company he designs for and they would take me to court and sue me. Despite my having said I would do just that they still threatened me.

So I have removed the kit for the time being and will hopefully find a replacement image.
Please, if you downloaded the kit, please REMOVE the DBS_Fangs01 immediately. Anyone who has created tags, stats or layouts with those fangs, please remove them.

My sincerest apologies to everyone, as I was assured it was safe to use. After this I feel like chucking it all in. Leigh from Heartfelt Perfections said it was Ali's turn a couple of months ago to be accused of pirating, her's last month and now it seems my turn. It is so disheartening when I do my best to be copyright compliant and do the right thing, and still get accused and shot down in flames. As I said to the "artist" of this piece, it was an honest mistake and his rudeness was uncalled for.

I will repost the kit as soon as I can. I am so sorry everyone. Please remove it from your collections and replace it with the new one when I have it up. Even if it is to be my last piece I will do that for you, at least.



  1. Hi hun,
    Don't let these people discourage you in what you love to do....I would just ignore it, and move on. People like that need a life and so does the one that reported you.


  2. I'm so sorry you had to go thourgh this.. I like your add ons you share with us. Thank you for being so kind and inviting with your freebie..

  3. Oh, sweetie, don't let it discourage you! Our world is so big now, with the internet and all its images, you can't help but step on someone's toes now and then. Chin up. You have lots of supporters!
