Saturday, 23 April 2016

Remember our Fallen Animals with "Purple Poppies" this ANZAC Day @ My Memories!

25th April is ANZAC Day in Australia. A memorial day where we remember our fallen heroes who went to the front in the Great War (WW1) in 1914. Originally titled the Australian and New Zealand Army Corp, ANZAC Day now commemorates all war heroes and veterans.
This collection is a slightly different take on our ANZACs and heroes, as we remember the animals who went to war...most never returning home. Horses, dogs... The purple poppy is commemorative poppy in remembrance of those animals, so the "Purple Poppies" collection pays tribute to all those animals. A perfect companion for memorial layouts.

"At the going down of the sun, and in the morning - we will remember them..."
(The Ode)

So what's in the collection?
87 elements
10 papers
5 quickpages

Each product is available individually or as a complete bundle!
Just click on each preview to take you to that product in store...

Quickpage #1 

Quickpage #2 

Quickpage #3 

Quickpage #4 

Quickpage #5 

Quickpage Bundle 

...and the complete collection! 

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